
I believe

Everyone should enjoy life

I believe that everyone deserves to live a fulfilling life, with the strength and vitality to pursue their passions without feeling worn out, fatigued, or overwhelmed.

As I embarked on my own journey to improve my health and well-being, I was eager to share what I learned with others. That’s why I started I think I will, a platform where I could provide valuable tips and recommendations for living our best lives.

For me, it all began with a shift in my mindset. Now, I’m a Health Coach Alliance Registered Health Coach™ (HCA-RHC™).

Read more about my transformative journey.

Join me on this journey of self-fulfillment and empowerment.

I think I will manifest well-being and self-care.

Hi! I'm Dona

Meet Our Team







What's In A Name

Why I think I will

At I think I will, we believe that self-care is not just a luxury, but a powerful tool that can transform your life. Our name, “I think I will,” captures the essence of our philosophy and the two fundamental ways in which we view the world.

First, we embrace the concept of the law of attraction, which suggests that our thoughts and beliefs have the power to shape our reality. What we consistently think and focus on has a way of manifesting itself in our lives. When we affirm, “I think I will,” we recognize that by aligning our thoughts with our desires and goals, we have the ability to attract positive experiences, opportunities, and personal growth.

This perspective empowers us to cultivate a mindset of abundance and possibility. By nurturing positive thoughts and envisioning the life we desire, we become active participants in co-creating our own reality. 

“I think I will” serves as a reminder that our thoughts hold immense creative power, and by harnessing this power, we can manifest our dreams and embrace a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

In addition, “I think I will” embodies the determination and resolve to take action towards our aspirations. When we say, “I think I will do something,” it reflects our inner drive, commitment, and confidence in our abilities. It signifies a strong desire coupled with the unwavering determination to make it happen.

At I think I will, we understand the importance of translating thoughts into action. We provide you with the tools, resources, and inspiration needed to turn your self-care intentions into tangible results. We encourage you to take bold steps, prioritize your well-being, and pursue the path that leads to a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled version of yourself.

Our mission is to guide you on this transformative journey of self-care, where your thoughts and actions align to create a life you truly desire. With our support, we empower you to say, “I think I will,” and transform those thoughts into positive, life-affirming changes.

Join us at I think I will, and let’s embark together on the path of self-care, personal growth, and manifesting your dreams. Your journey starts here, and we believe in your power to create the life you’ve always imagined.

Remember, “I think I will” is not just a statement, but a catalyst for change!

Our Lifestyle Guidelines

Our lifestyle guidelines emphasize practices and behaviors that contribute to overall well-being by promoting a integrative approach to health. We advocate for the integration of mindful choices, balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, and nurturing mental and emotional health.

These guidelines aim to empower individuals to cultivate resilience, enhance vitality, and achieve a harmonious equilibrium in their daily lives.

Be Mindful

Take a moment to nurture your mental and emotional health amidst the demands of your daily life, empowering you to navigate stress with resilience and clarity.

Eat Well

Nourish your body in a way that’s tailored to your unique needs and preferences, emphasizing healthy fats, whole foods, and a rich variety of colorful vegetables.​

Be Healthy

Adopt habits that support your well-being and integrate them into your routine for a more balanced and vibrant life.​

Move More

Discover enjoyable ways to incorporate movement into your routine, enhancing your physical well-being and providing an energetic boost to face the demands of your day.

Rest Easy

Get enough restful sleep and engage in activities that promote relaxation, ensuring you wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead.

Be Beautiful

Celebrate both your inner and outer beauty as an integral part of your overall health journey, embracing and appreciating your unique qualities.