Unleashing the Power Within: A Journey to Vibrant Health and Empowerment


I believe that everyone deserves to live a fulfilling life, with the strength and vitality to pursue their passions without feeling worn out, fatigued, or overwhelmed. As I embarked on my own journey to improve my health and well-being, I was eager to share what I learned with others. That’s why I started I think I will, a platform where I could provide valuable tips and recommendations for living our best lives. For me, it all began with a transformative shift in mindset.

The Seed of Inspiration

Witnessing the Impact of Chronic Diseases

Growing up, I witnessed my parents and relatives struggle with chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and strokes. Sadly, my own mother succumbed to heart disease, and my father battled type 1 diabetes. These experiences deeply affected me and sparked a profound desire to understand the connection between health and well-being.

Overcoming Obstacles

Navigating a Mysterious Thyroid Dysfunction

In my early 30s, I faced a mysterious thyroid dysfunction that turned my life upside down. I endured weeks without sleep and unsettling tremors. Despite consulting numerous specialists, my condition remained elusive, and I was even misdiagnosed with depression by some who dismissed my symptoms as mere imagination. It wasn’t until I sought help from an endocrinologist at Johns Hopkins that I finally received a proper diagnosis of thyroiditis.

Embracing Alternative Solutions

The Surprising Power of Herbal Supplements and Organic Eating

The recommended treatment was to remove my thyroid gland entirely, which seemed like a daunting prospect. Through a chance recommendation from a massage therapist, I discovered the power of herbal supplements. Surprisingly, supplements like Maca and Cat’s Claw helped normalize my blood results, instilling a glimmer of hope. I chose to trust in my body’s innate ability to heal and delved into research on herbal remedies and organic eating, gradually reshaping my lifestyle for the better.

A Journey of Challenges

Coping with Global Upheaval and Digestive Issues

In spite of my success, recent years have brought new health challenges. Coping with the state of the world since 2020, including surviving a global pandemic and witnessing growing violence, racial tensions, civil unrest, and political turmoil, has taken its toll on me. I developed a gradual onset of severe gastrointestinal distress, with every meal triggering violent reactions in my body, leading to intense diarrhea and a persistent feeling of unease. I lost a pound a day! Countless misdiagnoses and frustrations followed until a gastroenterologist diagnosed me with mild gastritis. Despite the “mild” label, I felt gravely ill, realizing that my body was experiencing more than just gastritis.

I also began to experience signs that my body was going through the menopausal transition, further complicating matters. During this time, I started suspecting a cortisol dysfunction, feeling constantly on high alert with its release in my body. My research led me to discover functional medicine, which offered a holistic approach to uncovering root causes.

Taking Charge of My Well-Being

Empowerment through Comprehensive Testing

Determined to take control of my health, I sought the assistance of a functional medicine doctor at Parsley Health. Through comprehensive testing, we uncovered several issues that had likely been exacerbated by many years of chronic stress, including dysbiosis, leaky gut, and hormonal imbalances. My cortisol levels were off the charts! Following the prescribed protocol, I gradually regained my well-being, experiencing significant improvement within months.

Inspiring Transformation and Vibrant Health

Guiding Others on Their Journeys

This transformative experience empowered me and deepened my knowledge of holistic wellness. I developed a passion for sharing my journey and helping others overcome their own health challenges. Motivated by this newfound purpose, I enrolled in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s (IIN) Health Coach Training Program and launched I think I will.

I sincerely hope that my story inspires you to join me on this journey of self-fulfillment and empowerment. Together, we will explore the incredible power of mindset to transform our lives. I firmly believe that we all possess the potential to manifest well-being and self-care by harnessing the power within ourselves.  Through sharing my personal experiences and ongoing growth, my goal is to inspire and guide others on their own paths to transformation and vibrant health.

Are you ready to join the movement towards a healthier, happier world?

Reach out to IIN’s Admissions team today to learn more about their life-changing programs. And don’t forget to mention my exclusive discount code DONAWILLIAMS20 to receive 20% off your enrollment fee!

Together, let’s revolutionize the way we approach health and wellness, inspiring others to embrace a holistic lifestyle that nourishes their bodies, minds, and spirits.

Dona LaTrelle