Why Mindset Matters

Growing Mind

We all see things through our own perspectives – this is our mindset

It involves the assumptions and expectations we hold about ourselves, our lives, and people around us. A healthy mindset is the key to living a healthy and happy life. When we perceive things aren’t going well, a change in mindset can have a profound effect on how we feel in that moment. When you become aware of your thoughts you begin to understand how they affect your mood and physical health. When incorporating a practice of shifting your mindset, over time you will find yourself less stressed and more able to deal with life’s challenges.

Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset

The growth mindset is about believing that you can improve yourself. On the other hand, if you have a fixed mindset, then you believe that your skills are set in stone and there is nothing you can do to change them. Individuals who have the growth mindset believe that they can always improve themselves and their skills. They see failure as an opportunity to learn and grow rather than something to fear or avoid.

How to Practice a Growth Mindset

In order to have success, you have to have the right mindset. There are tips and tricks that can set you up for success that should be followed in order to see any progress.

Here are 5 important tips for improving your well-being with the growth mindset:

1. Believe in yourself – The first thing to do is to believe in the power of your own potential and not limit yourself by thinking that you cannot do something or achieve something because of your background, age, or experience level.

2. Accept Mistakes as Learning Opportunities – It’s important to learn from mistakes and not feel bad about them. They’re just a part of life and everyone makes mistakes at some point in their lives; you learn from them so they don’t happen again in the future.

3. Identify and develop your talents – Once you identify what it is that you enjoy doing, try your best to find a way to put in more time for it. For example, if you like cooking, try cooking more for yourself instead of eating out or ordering take-out.

4. Understand the power of limits – Having a growth mindset doesn’t mean we have to take on everything. Know that we all have limits and that we can’t do it all. Rather than trying to do everything at once and make ourselves exhausted, it’s best to focus on what we can do and let go of what we cannot.

5. Practice gratitude – Take some time every day to count your blessings, write down 5 things for which you are grateful, or even take a few minutes out of your day to have a gratitude journaling session.

We Are Capable of Change

We are all capable of change; especially when it comes to how our brain functions and our thinking patterns. If we practice adopting the growth mindset we begin to nurture our wellbeing by believing that we can grow and learn. We begin to understand that setbacks are a necessary part of our learning process and look forward to the opportunities they present. This mindset has positive effects on our mental and physical well being.

"I think I will be mindful"