A Sense Of Gratitude

Having A Sense Of Gratitude

As we approach the holiday season, it is important to remember to express gratitude. Expressing gratitude is a way to show appreciation and respect for people, places and things. It can also help to cultivate a sense of happiness, contentment and well-being.

There are many ways to express appreciation. One approach is to do so by acknowledging our ability to have sensory experiences in life. Our five senses: seeing, smelling, tasting, feeling, and hearing play a significant role.

A Simple Way To Practice Gratitude Using Your Senses

Not everyone is able to experience these five senses but if you can, here’s a way to incorporate them into a gratitude practice:

  1. Find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably and will not be interrupted. Close your eyes; take 3 deep breaths to clear your mind.
  2. Now, open your eyes and look about you. Land your gaze on something within your line of sight. As you see this item, say to yourself “I am grateful for this (item you are viewing) because (reason you are grateful for it). For example, I am grateful for this chair because it gives me a place to rest. Repeat this for 4 more items within your line of sight.
  3. Next, locate 4 things you can feel. It can be something in your environment, on your body or simply within your reach (e.g., the air on your face, a piece of clothing, a blanket, the floor beneath you, etc.). As you feel each item, notice and really appreciate the texture or temperature. Express gratitude for each as you did in the previous step or change it up a bit. For example, I am grateful for this blanket, it feels warm and soft and keeps me warm.
  4. Move on to find 3 things you can hear. Focus your attention on sounds near and far. Show appreciation for what you are hearing. For example, I am so grateful to be able to hear the birds chirping outside my window.
  5. Now, find and express gratitude for 2 things you can smell. Maybe there’s the lingering smell of soap from the last time you washed your hands. Or perhaps the aromas of cooking still lingers in the air.
  6. Finally, bring your attention to and express gratitude for1 thing you can taste. What does the inside of your mouth taste like?

A Gentle Reminder

The holiday season is a time for celebration and gratitude. There are many ways to express appreciation: through our five senses, by giving back, or simply saying “thank you”.

Expressing gratitude is important because it reminds us of all that we have been given and helps us realize how fortunate we are. It also helps us appreciate one another and strengthens relationships.

We should not forget to take the time to appreciate what we have. When we do, it’s easier to be grateful for the moments in our lives.

"I think I will be mindful"