Embracing the Great Outdoors: Celebrating National Parks and Recreation Month

Hey there, fellow nature enthusiasts!

Can you believe it’s already July? That means it’s National Parks and Recreation Month – a whole month dedicated to celebrating the great outdoors and all the amazing recreational spaces our country has to offer. So, let’s dive into why nature is so awesome and how we can make the most of this special month.

Nature: It’s Good for You

Ever noticed how a walk in the park can lift your spirits? That’s not just your imagination. Science backs it up! Spending time outdoors can do wonders for your health, from reducing stress and boosting your mood to sparking creativity and improving focus1.

Our National Parks: America’s Best Idea

Our national parks are like a highlight reel of Mother Nature’s best work. Majestic mountains, tranquil forests, shimmering lakes, expansive deserts – you name it, our parks have it. And the best part? They’re open to everyone. So, whether you’re an avid hiker or just someone who appreciates a good view, why not pay a visit to a national park this month?

Fun in the Sun (or Rain)

The great thing about nature is that it’s never boring. There’s always something to do, whether it’s hiking, biking, bird-watching, picnicking, or just lounging around with a good book. The trick is to find something you love, so that your time in nature feels like a treat, not a task.

Making July Count

So, how can we make the most of National Parks and Recreation Month? Here are a few ideas:

  • Plan a day trip to a national park or local green space
  • Try a new outdoor activity (ever tried kayaking or rock climbing?)
  • Join a local nature group or volunteer for a park clean-up event
  • Share your outdoor adventures on social media with the hashtag #ParksAndRecMonth

Nature: Let’s Celebrate

This National Parks and Recreation Month, let’s make a pact to spend more time in nature. After all, nature isn’t just a place to visit – it’s a place to connect, heal, and rejuvenate. So, here’s to the great outdoors!

Over to You

We’d love to hear about your outdoor adventures. Got a favorite park? A memorable outdoor experience? Or maybe a tip for newbie nature lovers? Share your thoughts in the comments below or on social media with the hashtag #IthinkIwillBeHealthy.

I think I will be healthy!


  1. Source: Harvard Health – Health benefits of taking a walk in the woods