The Connection Between Feeling Beautiful And Well-Being

Beauty and well being

What Is The Connection Between Beauty And Well-Being?

Research suggests that beauty is more than just a physical appearance. It is a feeling above all else. Beauty can be something that delights the senses like a song, a painting or a poem. By indulging our senses we release feelings of pleasure. As we engage in pleasurable activities, our bodies release “happiness hormones”.

What Are Happiness Hormones?

Our incredible bodies produce many hormones and some of them are associated with happiness:

  • Dopamine – the hormone responsible for making us feel good is said to be produced more when we reach our desired body shape or weight.
  • Serotonin – the hormone said to help reduce symptoms of depression.
  • Endorphins – the hormone that can help relieve pain, reduce stress, improve mood and self-esteem.

Physical Appearance and Happiness

While science has proven that beauty is not only skin deep, making ourselves look and feel more attractive can put a smile on our face and create a feeling of satisfaction. Feeling desirable can help keep a smile on your face and aid the body’s production of dopamine, serotonin and endorphins, all of which are directly associated with happiness.

Physical appearance is not the only path to feeling beautiful. There are simple lifestyle changes you can make to appear more attractive to yourself and others.

Tips For Feeling More Beautiful

Starting a skincare routine, wearing makeup, and losing weight to achieve our body image goals are obviously associated with physical beauty. But let’s not forget about a few simple things that can make us feel beautiful with little effort:

Smile – Smiling has a way of activating a biochemical reaction in the brain that is designed to fend off stress. Smiling also releases dopamine and endorphins, which make you feel happy.

Self promote – We can be our worse critics at times. Try looking in the mirror the next time you’re feeling down and give yourself the same pep-talk that you would give to uplift a good friend.

Indulge occasionally – Sometimes when we’re feeling down our bodies will crave something that makes us feel good. It’s OK to occasionally reward ourselves indulging in those guilty pleasures to produce endorphins and promotes feelings of happiness.

Do What Makes You Happy To Feel Beautiful

Beauty is not just about how we look on the outside, but it is also about how we feel on the inside. This feeling of beauty can contribute to better well-being and happiness overall. The connection between beauty and well-being has been studied for years.

As we engage in activities that make us happy, our bodies release “happiness hormones”. So the next time you’re thinking about ways to feel beautiful try doing what makes you happy.

"I think I will be beautiful"