Developing Healthy Habits

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What is a Habit?

We are often unaware of the habits we formed and the behaviors we exhibit as a result of them. So how do we form these habits to begin with? Habits form when we repeat an action over and over again. The more we repeat the action, the more likely it is that we will continue to do so in the future. And as we continue to repeat the action again and again it becomes second nature to us thereby forming a habit.

Habits are considered to have the power to shape our lives, so it is important to be aware of these habits and what they stand for. Although some habits can be detrimental, many can also have a positive impact on our well-being. For example, I used to go to always go to bet with the TV on. Yet, I had a goal to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. I realized that having the TV on kept me feeling uneasy as I tossed and turned through the night. This habit was not helping me achieve my goal. When I changed my bedtime routine to switch off the TV, I began creating a habit that was far more helpful in helping me achieve my wellness goals.

How Habits are Formed

Intentionally forming new habits might seem daunting at first so understanding the theory behind how habits get formed is helpful. Habit formation is a behavioral science field of research. The goal of habit formation is to understand the mechanisms that lead to the automatic performance of a particular behavior in response to a particular situation or cue.

Every habit has three components: a cue, a routine, and a reward. Cues can be anything that triggers an automatic response. The routine is the behavior that occurs after a trigger (cue). The reward is what someone gets after performing the routine for long enough to form a habit. Let’s go deeper into my sleep habit to break this concept down. I set up a reminder to wind down by a certain time. When the reminder goes off, this is my cue. The cue triggers me to turn off the TV and settle into bed. These actions become a part of my bedtime routine. The next morning, I will wake up feeling well rested after getting at least 7 hours of sleep. Alas, this is my reward.

5 Healthy Habits to Start Now

Habits can help us live healthier lives. They can also help us make better decisions, improve our relationships with others, and even increase our happiness levels. Here are 5 healthy habits you can start now:

  • Get some restful sleep – Sleep is the most important of these five habits. It is critical to your health and well-being. Sleep helps you to feel energized and refreshed the next day. Sleep deprivation can lead to mood swings, weight gain, low energy levels and a weakened immune system. So getting plenty of restful sleep will counter these issues.
  • Eat a healthy diet – Eating healthy is also important for your health and well-being because it helps you to maintain a healthy weight, improves digestion and regulates your blood sugar levels.
  • Move more and get plenty of exercise – Exercise is another important habit that can help with weight loss as well as improving your heart health and strengthening your bones.
  • Stay positive – Staying positive will make you happier in life which will improve your mental health too!
  • Make relaxation a priority – Lastly relaxation techniques can help you to feel less stress and more relaxed.

It’s never too late to start a healthy habit and reap the benefits

Our habits are what make us who we are. Habits make up a big part of our lives and they can be both good and bad. It is not always easy to make changes in our lives. But it is not impossible, and the benefits will be worth the effort. In order to make a change, we need to be honest with ourselves about what we want and what we need. This process may take time but if you are willing to invest in yourself, you will see improvements in your mental health and physical well-being.

"I think I will be healthy"